RBTech Accreditation Request Upload
Credentials Committee RPBio Assessment-2020
Accreditation Assessment Upload
To apply for program accreditation, the following documents are required:
1) Program Accreditation Request
2) Zip file of course outlines
Choose appropriate form:
Registered Professional Biologist Accreditation Request Form
Registered Biology Technologist Accreditation Request Form
Applied Biology Technician Accreditation Request Form
Academic Assessment Form
Academic Information Submission Form
Please use this form to upload the following documents (these need to be downloaded and saved under a different file name first and then the information can be entered and retained):
- Academic Worksheet – BIT/RPBio OR Academic Worksheet – Trainee(RBTech)/RBTech
- Course Descriptions – BIT/RPBio (if you did not graduate from an accredited program) OR Course Descriptions – Trainee(RBTech)/RBTech (if you did not graduate from an accredited program)
The Credentials Committee will require this information to complete the review of your transcripts.
Credentials Committee RPBio Assessment
Confirmation of Volunteer Experience
RBTech Report Worksheet
This worksheet is intended to help the R.B.Tech. applicant assess whether their submission(s) may meet the requirements of the College for a report. In order to meet the report requirements the applicant must demonstrate ability in all areas listed below through the submission of at least one but no more than three reports in applied biology.
Please note that:
- Draft reports will not be accepted
- Reports must be written post diploma
- Where a report has multiple authors (where the applicant is not lead author), the role of the applicant
- must be corroborated by the lead author in writing.
- A report acceptable to the College must demonstrate the applicant’s ability to;
- Document methods of data collection and
- Summarize and present data in a coherent and logical manner
One report or publication may not demonstrate all of the competencies listed above, however it may be that all required elements can be demonstrated by referring to 2 or 3 submitted reports. Please use the form below to aid the examiners to determine where, in the opinion of the applicant, a particular report demonstrates the required component(s).
Credentials Committee Review of Applications for Registered Professional Biologist Status in the College of Applied Biology