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The College’s online employment postings and monthly electronic job notifications provide employers with access to more than 3,500 applied biology professionals who work in a variety of fields including environmental assessment, contaminated site remediation, wildlife monitoring, and advising governments and private firms on how to reduce the impacts of their activities on the natural environment.

Employment Posting Policy

Updates to the Employment Posting Policy

The employment posting policy has been updated. Please read it carefully before submitting a job opportunity.

  • Only employment postings that require registration or eligibility for registration in the College (and/or other regulatory bodies) will be posted in the online listings and/or in the electronic newsletters.
  • The registration categories are:
    • Registered Professional Biologists (RPBio) and Biologist in Training (BIT),
    • Registered Biology Technologists (RBTech) and RBTech in Training/Trainee RBTech,
    • Applied Biology Technicians (ABT) and ABT in Training/Trainee ABT, and
    • Applied Biology Limited Licensee (AB-LL).

In Training/Trainee registrants are regulated professionals who have met all the education and training requirements and are working towards meeting all the credential requirements to be an independent practitioner (i.e., RPBio, RBTech or ABT), such as work experience.

  • Employment for student positions (e.g., co-op, internship, summer employment) are also accepted.

A student can be a Student Biologist with the College; however, they are not considered Registrants under the Professional Governance Act and College of Applied Biologists Bylaws.

The College’s Practice of Applied Biology & Reserved Practice document provides more information for employers, such as hiring the right regulated applied biology professional, when to hire an applied biology professional, registration categories and requirements, and Scopes of Practice for registrant categories. Scopes of Practice for RBTech and ABT can also be found in Schedule 3 of the College Bylaws.

  • All eligible employment postings will be added to the online listings within two business days of the receipt of the information to be posted and will be included in the subsequent electronic newsletter sent to registrants on a monthly basis. Please note that if you want your posting to appear in our monthly e-newsletter, submit the posting at least one week before the end of each month to ensure your posting appears in the next month’s electronic newsletter.
  • All employment postings must be provided to the College in Word or PDF format.
  • A $200 fee per employment posting will apply. Please note that as of January 1, 2022, the fee for postings will have the goods and services tax (GST) applied. Payment can be made by Visa, MasterCard, or by addressing a cheque to:
    College of Applied Biologists, #210-852 Fort Street, Victoria, BC, V8W 1H8
    • If a job opportunity is paid by cheque, the posting will be done once we receive the cheque.
    • All employment postings will be removed from the online listings within five days of the closing date, or after ninety days, if no closing date is stipulated. A fee of $200 will apply to re-post employment advertisements after the expiration of ninety days for those with no stipulated closing dates, if an extension is requested.

The College reserves the right to refuse posting or publishing of a particular employment posting or content.

Submit an Employment Posting

Employment Posting

Organization Contact Information

For internal purposes, only
For internal purposes, only

Employment Posting Details

Position Open Until Filled?
Posting will be removed after listed date
Provide an optional posting location for potential candidates
Provide more information about the organization or posting for users

Maximum file size: 134.22MB

Please attach a description of the employment opportunity in Word or PDF format.
I acknowledge that the posting meets the requirements of the College and I have read the Employment Posting Policy prior to this submission


Job postings amount $200 plus GST, payable by credit card or cheque.
Do you have a coupon from College of Applied Biologists?

Address the cheque to this address:

College of Applied Biology, #210-852 Fort Street, Victoria, BC, V8W 1H8

Your employment posting will be displayed upon receiving the cheque.

Credit Card

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