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Changes to registrant information visible on public register coming in February 2023

The College is making mandatory changes to what information is visible on the public register as of February 5, 2023.

Currently, the College’s public register displays the following information for each registrant:

  • First and last name
  • Employer and mailing address
  • Registration category (e.g., Registered Biology Technologist), status (retired, Not in Good Standing)
  • Registration Date
  • Practice Area(s), up to three
  • Region e.g., Vancouver Island/Coast

In compliance with the Professional Governance Act (PGA) and the Office of the Superintendent of Professional Governance (OSPG) Guidance: The Register, the following information in addition to the above will be displayed on the College’s public register as of February 5:

  1. Dates of registration (aka history): this will include but not be limited to time periods for all registrant categories that a registrant was registered as for example) in training, on leave (temporary withdrawal), reinstatement(s), retirement, resignation
    • All registrants who resigned, were remove (cancelled), suspended or passed away seven years prior to the College falling under the PGA February 5, 2021 will also be listed for a period of 10 years. This information will be provided in a new tab on the register entitled “Inactive”
    • All registrants who resign, are removed (cancelled), suspended or pass away after Feb. 5th, 2021 will be listed for 10 years.
  2. Any disciplinary information such as, citation, Consent Order, Reprimand or Remedial Action by Consent (RRAC), Alternative Complaint Resolution (ACR), Results of a Discipline Hearing, and Extraordinary Actions to Protect the Public
  3. Practice limitations: any restrictions on a registrant’s practice that have been imposed by the College. This is a result of a non-compliance or outcome from a discipline or practice review process. This will not be imposed without the registrant being notified

Registrants with questions regarding the types of information that the College must provide in the public register should consult the OSPG’s guidance document linked above. Further questions may be directed to the College office.

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