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There are several options for a Registrant to change their registration status. This includes:

  • On-leave (also referred to as Temporarily Withdrawal)
  • Reinstating (from on leave, cancelled, resigning or retiring)
  • Resigning
  • Retiring

All changes of registration status must be applied for through a registrant’s profile in the College’s Registrant Portal.

On Leave

  • On-leave registrants are required to pay annual dues. Refer to Schedule 2 – Fees and Charges of the College Bylaws for up-to-date annual dues fees.
  • Available to all active registrants (RPBio, RBTech, ABT, AB-L, BIT, ABT in Training, & RBTech in Training) for one of the reasons below:
    • Parental leave
    • Educational leave
    • Medical leave
    • Compassionate leave
  • On-leave is granted for a maximum of three (3) years after which the registrant must either reinstate or resign their registration. You must reinstate 3 years from the date you were registered as on leave. 

In accordance with Bylaw 7-3, on-leave registrants do not have to meet Continuing Professional Development Standard requirements during their first year registered as on-leave. After a registrant has been registered as on-leave for one year, they must meet the Continuing Professional Development Standard.  

Do you want to reinstate your registration?

There are several circumstances in which a registrant may want to return to active status by reinstating in their registration:

  • From on-leave to active status (RPBio, RBTech, ABT, AB-LL, ABT in Training, BIT or RBTech in Training); OR
  • From cancelled, resigned or retired status to active status.

In all cases, an individual has a maximum of three (3) years to reinstate from the date they were registered as on-leave, cancelled, resigned or retired. Different fee structures apply depending on whether the change in status is from on-leave/retired or resigned/cancelled. Refer to Schedule 2 – Fees and Charges of the College Bylaws for up-to-date fees.



  • No annual registration fee(s). 
  • Available to all registrants.
  • A registrant has a maximum of three (3) years to reinstate from the date they were registered as resigned.
  • Upon acceptance to resigned status the registrant destroy their seal. This can be done by scoring the seal and sending a photo of it to the Registrar’s Office


  • Retired registrants are required to pay annual registration dues. Refer to Schedule 2 – Fees and Charges of the College Bylaws for up-to-date annual dues fees.
  • Can no longer practice applied biology in either a paid or volunteer capacity and does not expect to do so in the future and cannot use their College issued seal (if they received one)
  • Available to an RPBio, RBTech or ABT
  • A retired registrant has a maximum of three (3) years to reinstate from the date they were registered as retired.

Retired registrants do not have to meet Continuing Professional Development or Mandatory Training requirements. For more information on tasks retired registrants are able to take on, please refer to Interpretation of Bylaw 5-8 for Retired Registrants.

All changes of registration status must be applied for through a registrant’s profile in the College’s Registrant Portal.